Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Primer On Things People Will Say

On one of the adoption message boards I belong to, a link to an newspaper article about adoption is posted.

I am, of course, compelled to read it. Then I read the comments.

Anyone who wants to be ready for every imaginable thing they will hear from their uninformed, anti-adoption friend, relative, neighbour or acquaintance... Click here.

Some of my "favourites" (sarcasm intended) are ones I have heard before...

"Gogh Forit from Canada writes: Whatever happened to do it yourself?"

"Chadwick Minh from Canada writes: I've read that the adoption numbers
in Canada are extremely low. "...an alarmingly low placement rate: of almost
26,000 kids in 2000, only 1,585 found permanent homes with adoptive parents. Six
per cent." http://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.com/ Why are people looking
outside the country to adopt?"

"l m from Canada writes: Adoption rates
within Canada are abysmally low. Everyone wants a baby but people should know
that once a child reaches the age of 3, the chances of being adopted fall to
almost zero. This is outrageous. If you really want a child, you should be
willing to adopt a 3 year old. There should be an outright ban on foreign
adoptions until all the needy children here are placed. I also believe that it
is wrong to take a child out of its own culture just to satisfy the whims of
trendy white liberals. There are enough pressures today without a child feeling
alienated because it is black or yellow while its "parents" are white. "

My favourite? It was a hard choice but this one wins:

" M from Vancouver, Canada writes: "Then if it takes so long to adopt a child here, in Canada, then that is what needs to be addressed."The only way to address it is to remove financial support for young single mothers. There are precious few healthy infants available for adoption in any given year.


Sharla said...

what still shocks me is how many people ask us why we have decided to adopt outside of Canada when there are so many children here who need homes. The one reason this shocks me is that we HAVE adopted from within Canada three times... all were considered special needs adoptions so we essentially adopted children that most people would not have considered adopting but the #1 reason their comments shock me still is that these are all people who have never adopted and probably never will!!! I feel like saying to them that adopting any child that needs a home is better than adopting none at all! so frustrating!

Ranavan said...

wow...I am stunned by people's ignorance that they believe to be knowledge....

wow...I need to sit awhile and ponder what i just read...

mind if i borrow that and put up on my blog as well?


Tanya said...

Feel free to borrow and post. I couldn't keep it to myself...