Monday, June 16, 2008

One of the reaons *I* am choosing to be a SAMBC - Updated with Picture

SAMBC = Single Adoptive Mom By Choice.

As we all know I am already a Single Mom. Being a Single Mom to ML was not my first "choice" but it was my second, and the better of the two. Take my word for it.

This weekend, as we all know was Father's Day. ML is supposed to spend Father's day with her Father, is spelled out in the parenting agreement even. She made a Hand Plaster Cast of her Hand to give him on this Father's day. She decorated it with Jewels and wrote I LOVE DAD on it. She was so proud of her creation, talked about giving it to him all week.

He didn't show up. He didn't call. Nothing. She was Heartbroken.

Now I am in no means painting all men with this brush, I know many wonderful Fathers, I have one myself. It is just when you have been on this side of the fence... making the choice to do it alone is easier.

(disclaimer - if Mr wonderful came into my life tomorow, I would include him in the journey in a heartbeat...)


Ranavan said...

Tanya, as a daughter of a "no-show" father I completely understand how ML would feel - actually I didn't see my dad for about 18 years after my parents split up - he had no interest in took me finding him when I was 25 to see if there were anyway medical conditions etc. that I needed to be aware of...that lasted about 4 years because I got tired of being the one to make the effort - but he comes by it honestly I guess because I never had any contact from anyone in his family not even from my grandma.

I think it was probably easier not seeing him at all then seeing him occasionally and having him be a no show on our days together - give ML a big hug for me.

If you ever want to talk to someone who has been thru the wringer with a wayward father - feel free to email me - -

Tanya said...

Thanks Rana....

The Warren Family said...

ahh, I feel heartbroken for her as well after hearing that.

RamblingMother said...

My niece's dad did the same thing to her!! So sad that the no-show dad plays games with the daughters who should be more than treasured. Sorry to hear of your daughter's heartbreak!

;) said...

What a jerk! So sorry that ML had to have an experience like that.


Tasha Kent said...

My heart breaks for ML.

Thankfulmom said...

I just "met" you tonight and this post just broke my heart. I'm sorry this happened to your sweet daughter.